Online Alcohol Awareness, Drug Education and Substance Abuse Classes
Alcohol Awareness and Drug Education Programs
Alcohol awareness and drug education courses may be taken for DWI, DUI, OVI, OWI, MIC, MIP (minor in possession).
Alcohol, drug possession charge or controlled substance abuse violation if approved by your court. Alcohol and drug education programs are also beneficial for personal growth, college and high school students exposed to peer pressure or school entry requirements.
These online programs can be taken in English or Spanish and at your convenience and at your own pace. No classroom needed. Also, a growing number of colleges and universities are now recommending and sometimes requiring students to take a substance-abuse or an alcohol education program, whether online or in person. It certainly makes taking the course much more convenient to take it online. If you need to take the course, simply sign up above and began the course and study at your own convenience.
Common Alcohol Awareness Programs
Alcohol awareness programs are sometimes referred for employees of medical fields, refinery workers and truck drivers among a few. The programs are also taken for students of college and universities, high school students, and minors in possession of an alcohol beverage.
Teen adolescents can benefit with these programs. Learning the potential dangers of alcohol and substance abuses has been reported to help deter some future problems early on in their lives.
Substance Abuse Programs
The main focus of substance abuse education is teaching people about drug and alcohol abuse and how to avoid, stop, or get help for substance use disorders—and this can begin at a young age.
Education about substance abuse is an important part of helping individuals understand the many aspects of this topic. This information can include factual data about what substance abuse is; warning signs of addiction; information about how alcohol and specific drugs affect the mind and body; the consequences that addiction can have on one’s physical and mental health, family, relationships, and other areas of functioning; and how and why substances are abused.
Education may also include information on how to deal with a family member or friend who is struggling with a substance use disorder, and how to be supportive during the detoxification and rehabilitation process.
This could also include counseling education, which helps everyone involved—from the person abusing substances to family and friends. It is important that people who abuse substances are aware of how a drug can affect their minds, bodies, relationships, and functioning. This awareness can help them realize the potential damage that could occur, or the damage that has already occurred. Substance abuse education may also include information about what treatment entails to prepare everyone involved for the potential outcomes.
Check with your state laws, attorney, or court to learn whether a particular course is right for you in your case. See code of criminal process and penal laws – Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West VA, Wisconsin, and Wyoming programs. Many states also allow out-of-state, non-resident online courses for many alcohol and drug offender requirements.
Universal alcohol awareness and drug education courses can be taken online for employment, personal reasons, or high school and college students.
Alcohol & Drug Awareness Courses
Discount Offer Code

Minor In Possession of Alcohol or Drugs (MIP)
MIP Minor in Possession or Consumption of Alcohol
Discount Offer Code
College, High School, and Teen Student Alcohol/Drug Awareness or MIP Course
Parents: Don’t Send Your Student Off to College or High School Without it!
MIP or Standard Alcohol/Drug Course
Discount Offer Code
College and High School Student
8 Hour Alcohol & Drug Course
A Better Choice in a College/University Alcohol & Drug Awareness Course
Parents: You’ve already taken the huge step of seeing that your student has the best education possible. You can take another big step and check into this 8 Hour online Alcohol and Drug awareness course. It’s well worth the difference it can make in comparison to a minimal basic class.
Discount Offer Code
California PC1000 Drug Education Online Class
CA Drug Diversion and Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ)
Drug Education Program and PC1000 Classes
Save Face and Take the Course Online

Online Class
Dangers of RX Drugs