Tuolumne County California DUI Wet Reckless, MIP, PC1000, DEJ, Deferred, Drug & Alcohol AB541, AB762, AB1353, SB38, SB1176 Programs.
Please check with your lawyer, COURT, PROBATION, OR STATE AGENCY REQUIRING THE CLASS to verify if the online course completion is right for you. CALIFORNIA
Tuolumne County California Alcohol & Drug Online Programs
DUI Wet Reckless, MIP, PC1000, DEJ, Deferred, Drug & Alcohol AB541, AB762, AB1353, SB38, SB1176 Programs
CA. Alcohol Awareness and Drug Education Online Program
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Depending upon the defendant’s blood alcohol content (BAC) and whether the DUI charge is a first offense or second-time DUI, the defendant will most likely have to enroll in and complete an alcohol awareness program, either as a requirement for the court and / or the DMV. This class can be the AB541, the AB762, the AB1353 or the SB38 class. The AB541 class is usually required in a first-time DUI for someone with a BAC between 0.08% and 0.12% or 0.13%.
AB-541 (AB541) 32 Hour Alcohol Program
AB-762 (AB762) 45 Hour Program
AB-1353 (AB1353) 60 Hour Class
SB-38 (SB38) 78 Hour Program
SB-1176 (SB1176) 12 Hour Wet Reckless Program
California Penal Code PC-1000 PC1000 26 Hour Program
Requirements for PC1000 DEJ Deferral:
- Be a first-time drug offender
- Voluntarily accept admission into the program
- Plead guilty to the appropriate charge
- Pay a restitution fee between $100 and $1000
- See PC-1000 information below
In Tuolumne County, California, a person charged with DUI, MIC, or MIP/MIC (minor in possession/Consumption) or any other alcohol or drug-related charge may need toalcohol awareness/drug education program which can be available to you online.
California DMV or the Superior Court may require a defendant take an alcohol awareness or drug education program course for drivers license reinstatement following a dl suspension. A suspended drivers license will be reinstated following preset terms per each state. See your state DMV or drivers license office for details.
In many locations, a mandatory alcohol education program or an alcohol/drug awareness class or an intervention program to fulfill court or state-mandated requirements is necessary. These programs may be available for you online in some states and courts. For cases in your county/state, ask your attorney or court for approval prior to registering. In most all out-of-state non-resident cases, an online course for alcohol related MIC, DUI, MIP or drug classes are all that is available to the offender.
If a person is charged with a MIC – DUI, MIP or drug possession in a state other than the state that person resides, an online alcohol-drug course is ideal. If an offender is moving out of state and will become a resident of another state before his trial for that offense, that defendant may also be allowed to take the online course.
Sometimes a defendant and his attorney can agree to a pretrial diversion program for drug crimes of a criminal charge or offense. Many times in an alcohol or drug-related case the Pretrial terms may include alcohol or drug treatment programs, evaluation, interdiction or simply an alcohol or drug class or online course.
The pretrial diversion program for drug crimes is probation or probated sentence after the pre-set date.
Many courts will probate a MIC or DUI for 1, 2 or 3 years depending upon the circumstances of the case. Some courts and prosecutors will consider allowing an online alcohol or drug program due to a defendant needing to get to an actual classroom site. If the offender has a suspended driver’s license, then undue hardship is on a family member, relative or friend to drive the offender to a class. You may also need to take a defensive driving course in some jurisdictions to get the suspension lifted. This course may fulfill your needs and do so from any computer with an internet connection. The online course is taken at your convenience and at your own pace. No sitting in a classroom.
Many courts will probate a MIC or DUI for 1, 2 or 3 years depending upon the circumstances of the case. Some courts and prosecutors will consider allowing an online alcohol or drug program due to a defendant needing to get to an actual classroom site. If the offender has a suspended driver’s license, then undue hardship is on a family member, relative or friend to drive the offender to a class. You may also need to take a defensive driving course in some jurisdictions to get the suspension lifted. This course may fulfill your needs and do so from any computer with an internet connection. The online course is taken at your convenience and at your own pace. No sitting in a classroom.
This online course is available in multiple hour programs. Many courts may need 8 to 12 hr courses for first-time offenses and 24 hour courses for repeat offenses. You may begin the course upon registering and continue on your own schedule.
Tuolumne County California PC1000 Deferred Entry 26 Hour DEJ Program
( Part 2 enacted 1872. )
( Heading of Title 6 amended by Stats. 1951, Ch. 1674. )
CHAPTER 2.5. Special Proceedings in Narcotics and Drug Abuse Cases [1000 – 1000.65]
( Chapter 2.5 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1255. )
(a) This chapter shall apply whenever a case is before any court upon an accusatory pleading for a violation of Section 11350, 11357, 11364, or 11365, paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 11375, Section 11377, or Section 11550 of the Health and Safety Code, or subdivision (b) of Section 23222 of the Vehicle Code, or Section 11358 of the Health and Safety Code if the marijuana planted, cultivated, harvested, dried, or processed is for personal use, or Section 11368 of the Health and Safety Code if the narcotic drug was secured by a fictitious prescription and is for the personal use of the defendant and was not sold or furnished to another, or subdivision (d) of Section 653f if the solicitation was for acts directed to personal use only, or Section 381 or subdivision (f) of Section 647 of the Penal Code, if for being under the influence of a controlled substance, or Section 4060 of the Business and Professions Code, and it appears to the prosecuting attorney that, except as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 11357 of the Health and Safety Code, all of the following apply to the defendant:
(1) Within five years prior to the alleged commission of the charged offense, the defendant has not suffered a conviction for any offense involving controlled substances other than the offenses listed in this subdivision.
(2) The offense charged did not involve a crime of violence or threatened violence.
(3) There is no evidence of a contemporaneous violation relating to narcotics or restricted dangerous drugs other than a violation of the offenses listed in this subdivision.
(4) The defendant has no prior felony conviction within five years prior to the alleged commission of the charged offense.
(b) The prosecuting attorney shall review his or her file to determine whether or not paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, of subdivision (a) apply to the defendant. If the defendant is found eligible, the prosecuting attorney shall file with the court a declaration in writing or state for the record the grounds upon which the determination is based, and shall make this information available to the defendant and his or her attorney. This procedure is intended to allow the court to set the hearing for pretrial diversion program for drug crimes at the arraignment. If the defendant is found ineligible for pretrial diversion program for drug crimes, the prosecuting attorney shall file with the court a declaration in writing or state for the record the grounds upon which the determination is based, and shall make this information available to the defendant and his or her attorney. The sole remedy of a defendant who is found ineligible for pretrial diversion program for drug crimes is a postconviction appeal.
(c) All referrals for pretrial diversion program for drug crimes granted by the court pursuant to this chapter shall be made only to programs that have been certified by the county drug program administrator pursuant to Chapter 1.5 (commencing with Section 1211) of Title 8, or to programs that provide services at no cost to the participant and have been deemed by the court and the county drug program administrator to be credible and effective. The defendant may request to be referred to a program in any county, as long as that program meets the criteria set forth in this subdivision.
(d) pretrial diversion program for drug crimes for an alleged violation of Section 11368 of the Health and Safety Code shall not prohibit any administrative agency from taking disciplinary action against a licensee or from denying a license. This subdivision does not expand or restrict the provisions of Section 1000.4.
(e) Any defendant who is participating in a program authorized in this section may be required to undergo analysis of his or her urine for the purpose of testing for the presence of any drug as part of the program. However, urinalysis results shall not be admissible as a basis for any new criminal prosecution or proceeding.
(Amended by Stats. 2017, Ch. 778, Sec. 1. (AB 208) Effective January 1, 2018.)
After you complete the course online you will be mailed a certificate of completion. You may also download and print your Certificate upon completion.
Disclaimer: Please check with your lawyer, state laws or the court to verify if the online course completion is right for you. Not all states or courts allow online internet based Alcohol Drug Awareness or Alcohol Drug Education Distance Learning programs.