Online Alcohol Awareness, Drug Education and Substance Abuse Classes
Northampton, Pennsylvania (12) 12 Hour | 16 Hour | 20 Hour DUI ARD Alcohol Highway Safety School & Drug Education Course
100% Online Northampton DUI 12 Hour & 16 & 20 Hour DUI DWI Alcohol Education Program Class
Also Available in 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 32 Hr DUI Alcohol Education Online C0urse for every person placed on ARD or other preliminary disposition as a result of an arrest for violation of 75 Pa.C.S. § 3802 (relating to driving under influence of alcohol or controlled Substance.
Northampton, Pennsylvania – 12 Hour and 16 & 20 Hour DUI Alcohol Highway Safety School and Drug Education Program – For DUI alcohol/drug related court charges such as DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or Alcohol, Substance Abuse, or Drugs there is an easy online course available.
In Northampton, Pennsylvania, a 12 Hour, 16 Hour, 20 Hour DUI education course and ARD may be required as a court-ordered mandatory alcohol education program to fulfill court, employer or state-mandated requirements. This course may fulfill your needs and do so from any computer with an internet connection. The online course is taken at your convenience and at your own pace. No classroom to sit in needed.
In Pennsylvania, anyone arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs (DUI) must take an alcohol highway safety school course before sentencing can occur for the DUI offense, or restricted or full driving privileges can be granted by the state of PA.
The online class is available in 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 32 hour programs. Many courts may need either a 12 to 16 hour course for first-time offenses and longer courses for repeat offenders. Get court approval before registering. After approval, you may begin the course upon registering and continue at your own pace and schedule and at your own pace.
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