Alcohol & Education Online Programs | DUI & DWI Online Classes | MIP Minor in Possession of Alcohol Classes | PC1000 DEJ Prop 36 | High School Teens and College Students
Massachusetts Alcohol EDU Alcohol/Drug Awareness Online
This is not a replacement for any existing required Alcohol course. This course has both Alcohol and Drug awareness education elements and provides more than a basic class may offer.
Most current University and College Students Alcohol Education and MIP MIC classes are two 45 minute classroom setting courses. While these courses cover many needed topics, they lack the influential impact of an 8 Hour online course filled with consequential goals to college students and drinking. Then there’s the distractions which are so plain in a classroom of fellow students. What the student gets out of the course is much more important than their mere credentials achieved once they’ve attended.
A growing number of colleges and universities are now recommending and sometimes requiring students to take a substance-abuse or an Alcohol education program, whether online or in person. It certainly makes taking the course much more convenient to take it online. If you are required to take the course, simply sign up below and take it at your own convenience.
This online course is available in 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20 and 24 Hour Alcohol Awareness and Drug Education Programs. You may begin the course upon registering and continue in your own schedule. The student may take the course over time and even a few minutes at a time is they wish.
After you complete the course online you will be mailed a certificate of completion. You may also download and print your Certificate upon completion.
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For Discount to Apply Use Offer Code : X23B-M92C
Use Offer Code X23B-M92C
AlcoholEdu Massachusetts
American International College Amherst College Andover Newton Theological School Anna Maria College Assumption College Babson College Bard College at Simon’s Rock Bay Path College Bay State College Becker College Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Bentley University Berklee College of Music Boston Architectural College Boston College Boston Conservatory Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Boston University Brandeis University Cambridge College Clark University College of the Holy Cross Conway School of Landscape Design Curry College Dean College Eastern Nazarene College Elms College Emerson College Emmanuel College Endicott College Fisher College Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Gordon College Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Hampshire College Harvard University Hebrew College Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Hult International Business School Labouré College Lasell College Lesley University Longy School of Music Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts School of Law Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology Massachusetts State University Bridgewater State University Fitchburg State University Framingham State University Massachusetts College of Art and Design Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Massachusetts Maritime Academy Salem State University Westfield State University Worcester State University Merrimack College MGH Institute of Health Professions Montserrat College of Art Mount Holyoke College Mount Ida College National Graduate School of Quality Management New England College of Business and Finance New England College of Optometry New England Conservatory of Music New England Institute of Art Newbury College Nichols College Northeastern University Pine Manor College Regis College Saint John’s Seminary Simmons College Smith College Springfield College Stonehill College Suffolk University Tufts University University of Massachusetts Amherst Boston Dartmouth Lowell Medical School at Worcester Wellesley College Wentworth Institute of Technology Western New England University Wheaton College Wheelock College Williams College Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Worcester Polytechnic Institute