Chicago, Il. Employee and Pre-Employment Alcohol-Drug Awareness Classes
Online Class
For any
Purpose, Legal, Professional or Pre-Employment.
Locate the exact course you need then enter the discount code X23B-M92C in the offer code space during checkout.

. Additionally, more will die due to Alcohol related suicide.
Frequent Alcohol beverage odor on
Overreaction to real or imagined criticism
Mood swings
Subject of complaints from customers or co-workers
Development of unsafe practices
Avoidance of associates
Anger towards co-workers, customers and employers
Lowered job efficiency
Difficulty in concentration
Accidents on the job
Leaving work early
Excessive sick leaves
Frequent, unscheduled short-term absences
Higher sick leave rate than other employees
This online course is available in 4 Hour, 8 Hour, 10 Hour, 12 Hour, 16 Hour, 20 Hour, 24 Hour, 32 Hour, and 36 Hour Alcohol Awareness and Drug Education Hour Programs. Please contact your attorney or the court for approval prior to enrolling if you are in king to take this course for a criminal charge. Not all courts or states allow online distance learning courses. Many employers may require 8 to 12 hr courses for first-time offenses, or pre-employment and longer courses for repeat offenses. You may begin the course upon registering and continue at your own pace and schedule.